

Jürgen Karl Zattler

View online at canthat.be/zattlerCV

+49 1520 7418274

Berlin, Germany

Current Assignments

Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow

Center for Global Development, Washington

Oct 2023 - today

Non-Resident Research Fellow

German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Bonn

Oct 2023 - today

Member of the Global Future Council

World Economic Forum, Geneva

May 2023 - today

Work Experience

Director General

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Berlin

Nov 2020 - Aug 2023 Berlin

In charge for the multilateral cooperation (UN, World Bank, Regional Development Banks, EU, OECD), sector policies, climate and environment, SDGs

Executive Director

World Bank Group

May 2017 - Oct 2020 Washington

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Berlin

Director for Multilateral and European Development Policy

Jan 2008 - May 2017 Washington

Federal Ministry for Econmic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Berlin

Division Chief IMF / World Bank / Debt Issues

Jul 2001 - Jan 2008 Bonn / Berlin

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperatoin and Development (BMZ), Bonn

Deputy Head of Division (WTO, Trade)

May 1995 - Jun 2001 Bonn

Crown Agents, London

Senior Consultant in Development Economics

Nov 1994 - Apr 1995 Brussels / London

European Commission, Directorate General for Development, Brussels

Senior Economist in Division “Structural Adjustment and Macroeconomic Issues”

Oct 1990 - Oct 1994 Brussels

Dresdner Bank (today: Commerzbank) , Berlin

Trainee, Sovereig Credit and International Department

Dec 1983 - May 1985 Berlin

Free University of Berlin, Berlin

Research Assistant and Part-time Lecturer in Development Economics

APR 1981 - Dec 1983 Berlin


PhD in Economics (on Trade)

University of Giessen

Mar 2000

Post-Graduate Diploma in Development Economics

German Development Institute (IDOS), Berlin

Jun 1986 Berlin

Master in Economics

Free University of Berlin

Dec 1983 Berlin

Bachelor in Political Science

Free University of Berlin

Jul 1980 Berlin








Other Activities


in particular on:

(for details see online)

University Lectures

Macroeconomics and Development Economics